Business Valuation
The first step to selling your business is to establish a value and most probable sale price. Horizon Business Brokers works with business owners to help them determine how much their business is worth and what they can reasonably expect to receive when their business is listed for sale. There are several methods to value a business and we guide business owners through the most common and generally accepted business valuation practices. Click here to request a business valuation.
What is the value of a Business?
Whether you are looking to sell a business now or in the future, the best way to get started is to understand what your business is worth so you can obtain the highest value when you are ready to selll. Click below to request a business valuation
In order to determine the value of a business, we need to determine two things, what a business owns and what it earns.
What a Business Owns: Tangible and intangible assets. The tangible assets are the furniture, fixtures, equipment, inventory, and real estate business owns. The intangible assets can include the business trade name, contracts with customers, relationships with vendors and suppliers, client lists, employees, leases, licenses, policies and procedures, recipes, trademarks, and patents.
What a Business Earns: What a business earns provides a certain financial benefit to the owner. The benefit generally comes in the form of business profits and a salary to the owner. It can also provide the owner with fringe benefits such as health insurance, a company car, or a retirement plan. Interest, Depreciation, and Amortization are also taken into consideration when determining what a business earns as calculated in establishing a business’s EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization).
Click Here to Learn More About Selling Your Business
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Are you interested in selling your business, but don’t know where to start? Contact us to learn how we can help you from start to finish and get the process started today!
Are you looking to value a business, but don’t know how? What is your business worth? What should you offer for a business you are interested in purchasing? We can answer these questions for you. Contact us today to learn more about the valuation process!
Are you looking to buy a business, but don’t know what options are available, what you can afford, or what to offer? We can help, contact us today to get the process started!